QMPACK is a Fortran program package which involves scattering problems of two octet baryons by the quark-model interactions, fss2 and FSS (fssG.f), and their applications to the Faddeev calculations for the triton (triton.f) and the hypertriton (hypt.f). By using some of the Fortran source programs included here, you can not only calculate phase shifts, cross sections and some spin observables predicted by fss2 and FSS, but also apply these to the structure and reaction calculations of ordinary nuclei and various hypernuclei.

Since the quark-model baryon-baryon interaction uses the framework of the resonating-group method (RGM), it has some inherent complexities related to the exact treatment of the Pauli principle at the quark level. These are 1)the nonlocality of the interaction, 2)the energy dependence, and 3)a possible existence of the Pauli forbidden state for some particular two-baryon configurations. The proper treatments of these three conditions are essential to obtain reliable results from any quark-model interactions. Details are written in our paper already published. Only some essential points are explained in the computer manuals.

So far only the source programs can be downloaded. In a near future, we plan to upgrade the present homepage to more user friendly style, like the well-known SAID homepage of CNS and NN-OnLine by the Nijmegen group. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.


"Study of baryon-baryon interactions in the quark model and their applications to hypernuclei" is supported by Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) from Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) (Grant Nos. 04640296 (1992-1994), 07640397 (1995-1997), 08239203 (1996), 09225201 (1997), 12640265 (2000-2002), 15540270 (2003-2005))

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Last-modified: 2022-12-06 (Tue) 22:35:23